To work collectively to the support women in research specifically related to pediatric emergency care delivered in Canada, to identify priorities for improvement, and to collaborate in initiatives, research, and education. Long-standing biases and gender stereotypes are discouraging girls and women away from science-related fields. Science and gender equality are, however, essential to ensure sustainable development as highlighted by UNESCO. To change traditional mindsets, gender equality must be promoted, stereotypes defeated, and girls and women should be equally represented in the proportion of researchers worldwide.
- Planning and development of agenda at the annual PERC meeting
- Communicate with membership about the status of ongoing studies and potential new projects
- Identify and support avenues to promote collaboration, mentorship, and sharing of resources
- Communication of opportunities and resources relevant to women in research in pediatric emergency medicine
- The WIR will endeavor to play a supportive role in the progress of studies undertaken by junior or novice researchers. This may involve aiding in the development of study design, implementation, data interpretation, manuscript preparation and presentation. This group will also serve as a liaison to other members of PERC to provide counsel in these areas should this be anticipated to benefit the investigator.
- The work presented here highlights the diversity of research performed across the entire breadth of pediatric emergency research and presents advances in theory, experiment, and methodology with applications to compelling problems.
- Any clinician, academic investigator, coordinator or alike with an interest in advancing and supporting women in research in pediatric emergency medicine.
The WIR group will endeavor to play a supportive role in the development of projects undertaken by junior or fellow members and those specifically related to women in research. This may involve aiding in the development of project design, implementation, data interpretation, manuscript preparation and presentation. The WIR group will also serve as a liaison to other members of PERC to provide counsel in these areas should this be anticipated to benefit the project lead.