Looking for PERC Endorsement?

PERC-Endorsement and Review Process
Click here to download the PERC Endorsement and Review Process Guidelines
Any PERC member may bring forward a study to the PERC executive for consideration as a PERC study. A PERC study must involve more than one PERC ED site/investigator. Types of studies that can be put forward for PERC-Endorsement include prospective and retrospective cohorts, clinical trials, surveys using the PERC Physician list, database studies using external data, systematic reviews, and trials of knowledge synthesis tools. A minimum of 2 centres must be involved in recruiting participants and investigators from 2 centres must work collaboratively on the project for it to be eligible for consideration as a PERC study.
The PERC-Endorsement and review process involves three phases to assist PIs with developing a methodologically sound project and to promote the likelihood of successfully obtaining grant funding from a peer-review agency. The first phase involves the PI filling out a PERC Study Intake Form in REDCap. This form communicates details about the proposed study. Based on a review of the information provided, the PI will either be contacted for additional details or will be asked to proceed to the second phase: providing a concept paper for review by the PERC Executive. Based on the review of the concept paper, the PI will be contacted for additional details or asked to proceed to the third phase: providing a full study protocol and budget for review by the PERC Executive and/or designated PERC members.
Note: If successful, all PERC-Endorsed studies will be required to include a budget line item for PERC Infrastructure support with the exception of total budgets under $50,000. To view the funding guidelines and budget justification table please click here.
The following three phases need to be completed for the PERC endorsement process:
PHASE I: PERC Study Intake form
The PI will complete the online PERC Study Intake Form in REDCap (https://perc-canada.ca/pages/104-perc-project-intake-form). The PERC Study Intake Form communicates details about the proposed study to the PERC Executive. Based on a review of the information provided, the PI will either be contacted for additional details or will be asked to proceed to the second phase.
PHASE II: Concept Paper Submission
Provide a 2-page concept paper for review by the PERC Executive. The PI should use the template provided here. It is the responsibility of the PI to develop the research question and prepare a concept paper to be submitted to the PERC Executive.
PHASE III: Peer Review of Full Protocol
Phase III involves a peer review of the full study protocol. The process of PERC protocol review takes a minimum of 6 to 8 weeks. In phase III, the PI will provide the following:
- Full protocol;
- Study budget. Reminder: all PERC-endorsed studies must include a budget line item supporting PERC infrastructure.
The PI is responsible for contacting PERC site representatives to establish collaborative sites for the full protocol. In choosing participating sites, PERC as an organization supports the principals of inclusiveness, openness, creating linkages and the promotion and fostering of research collaborations and excellence across PERC sites. As a result, PIs should offer the opportunity to participate in their PERC study to as many sites as possible (within the confines of their study protocol and budget). The PERC executive can help with PERC site selection if requested by the PI.
The PERC Executive members will communicate the decision to the PI and provide detailed feedback on the protocol methods. When a study is formally accepted, a letter will be provided by the PERC executive indicating that the study is endorsed by the PERC network.
It is expected that the principal investigator of all on-going PERC approved studies will provide an update at the Annual PERC Meeting.