Samina Ali


Dr. Samina Ali is a pediatric emergency physician at the Stollery Children’s Hospital (Edmonton, Alberta) and a Professor of Pediatrics and Emergency Medicine at the University of Alberta. She is currently Chair of Pediatric Emergency Research Canada (PERC). She recently completed a Mayday Pain and Society Fellowship in Science Communications (2019). Dr. Ali is a national award-winning researcher (CAEP Research of the Year Award, 2021), mentor (CAEP Dr. Richard Kohn Memorial Award for Mentorship, 2018; PERC Amy Plint Mentorship Award, 2024), educator (CAEP Dr. Helen Karounis Memorial Award for Professionalism in EM, 2019), and leader (CAPHC National Individual Leadership Award, 2018). Dr. Ali is also the Research Director for Pediatric Emergency Medicine (PEAK Research Team, University of Alberta), and the Western Canadian hub lead for Solutions for Kids in Pain (SKIP), a national knowledge mobilization network. She is also a Steering Committee member for the Alberta Pain Strategy.

Her research program concerns better treatment of children’s acute pain, with a focus on responsible prescribing of opioid analgesia and the management of medical procedure-related pain. She has holds national and international funding for studies informing best care for children with acute injury and illness, and has published over 150 articles in this area. You can check out Dr. Ali’s research here.

PubMed Publications