Gabrielle Freire
Executive Board Member
Dr. Gabrielle Freire is a pediatric emergency physician at The Hospital for Sick Children and a Clinician-Scientist Track Investigator at the Peter Gilgan Center for Research and Learning. She holds an assistant-professor position within the Department of Pediatrics and Faculty of Medicine at the University of Toronto.
Dr. Freire completed her medical degree at McGill University, a Masters in Translational Research at the University of Toronto, and a Graduate Diploma in Clinical Epidemiology from McMaster University. Her CIHR-funded research program is focused on improving Canadian pediatric injury care using principles of implementation science and knowledge translation. Dr. Freire also has an interest in equitable and inclusive access to optimal pediatric emergency and injury care, and is helping develop guidelines to better study and monitor equitable access to care for Canadian children.
Dr. Freire is also a PERC representative and member of the executive committee for the Pediatric Emergency Research Networks (PERN). In this role, she collaborates with national and international pediatric emergency research leaders in shaping the direction, and accelerating the execution of pediatric emergency research globally.